How to get started on Asana
First, you’ll receive an email invite. You’ll need to create an account. Here are the steps:
- Open the email from Asana in your inbox
- Click the “accept invite” button
- Create an account on Asana.com, by verifying that your contact info on the screen is correct and entering a password.
- Take a look around the workspace!

You can also watch the video here: http://g.recordit.co/GbuFCAu1SR.gif
The basics of AsanA
Asana is organized by projects, tasks and sub-tasks. You’ll be invited to 1 project. And we can both create projects and sub-tasks inside of that project.
It’s important to make a distinction between the My Tasks section, and the tasks inside the project. Be sure to click the project name on the left hand side of the screen, to create your tasks. This is to ensure that everyone on the team can see each other’s tasks. (This also means you’ll be able to see all of my tasks at anytime, including where I've left off.)
Here’s how to create a task:
- Open Asana.com
Click the project name at the left hand side to enter the project
Click on an empty line and start typing the task name
That task will open on the right hand side of your screen. You can add subtasks and leave notes inside that space.
Watch a video here: http://recordit.co/WvyVr4I40M.gif
Search function
If you can’t find something, you can use the search function. The search bar is found at the top of your screen. Type in the keyword or phrase you’re looking for, and options will pop up underneath the search field.
Watch a video here: http://g.recordit.co/PNG3KG2Gc5.gif
Email notifications
When changes happen to a task, you’ll receive email notifications about those updates. You will also receive reminder emails when tasks are coming due. You can reply to the team members right from your email. Here’s how to do that:
Open your Asana email and hit reply, just like a typical email
If you’d like to reply inside Asana, click on the task name inside your email (large, blue letters). This will open the task inside Asana, and will allow you to work inside there.
Watch a video here: http://g.recordit.co/NGFSnUPafS.gif
It’s important to note that in the beginning of our work inside Asana, you may feel overwhelmed with the email notifications you see coming in. Don’t worry! That’s because we’re establishing the space, and creating all of the tasks inside of Asana. The frequency will slow down after our initial project space set up.
The goal of using this tool is to keep us organized and on schedule - and to allow you to see my status on your project at any time! Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions about optimizing the project space.